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Статьи автора Булгарова Белла Ахмедовна
Litera, 2024-5
Bulgarova B.A., Chen F., Ju Y., Chinennaya T.Y. - Research on the transformation of news media industries in China and Russia in the era of intelligent media c. 79-97


Abstract: The subject of this study is the era of smart media, which will have a significant impact on the news media ecosystem. It will lead to another industrial transformation and change in the news industry. The convergence of traditional and new media is made possible by 5G technology, cloud computing and big data technologies. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the pace of media analytics, digitisation and platformisation. In addition, recent years have seen a surge in the development of artificial intelligence, which has been applied to various fields such as military, healthcare, retirement, etc. The development of ChatGPT has been an important signal of intelligent change in the media industry. The news media industry is undergoing a transformation that is already well underway. The research methodology is comprehensive and includes: descriptive method, comparative data analysis, statistical analysis and content analysis. The novelty of the research is the analysis of intellectual media paradigms in China and Russia. The nature of media interaction between the two countries, as well as the trajectory of global innovative technologies are investigated. Trends related to the development of digitalisation and AI in the following areas are described in detail: digitalisation of operations, news production, development of media platforms and AI technologies, and media content digitalisation processes. A prospective analysis is made of the need for international specialists with both humanitarian and technical competences. The digital and intellectual transformation of news media can take the cooperation between the two countries to a new historical level. In addition, media cooperation between China and Russia can help stabilise the world situation and provide a favourable ecological environment for international media.
Litera, 2024-2
Булгарова Б.А., Табатабаи С., Елиас Р., Джума К. - Формирование научно-аналитических и коммуникативных навыков у студентов-гуманитариев в международном университете (студенты-гуманитарии поколения Z в международном университете) c. 218-229


Аннотация: Сегодня рекрутинговые организации при отборе потенциальных кандидатов на вакантные должности подчеркивают важность наличия у выпускников вузов развитых коммуникативных и научно-аналитических компетенций, которые являются основными составляющими «soft skills» для студентов гуманитарного цикла, в большей степени способствующих формированию профессионализма, чем «hard skills», что обусловлено смещением приоритетов общества в сторону демократизации и гуманизации социально-психологических принципов выполнения должностных обязанностей в рамках профессий типа «человек-человек». Цель данного исследования - определить методы и приемы формирования навыков научно-аналитической и коммуникативной деятельности в международном университете у студентов-гуманитариев. Межкультурная коммуникация в контексте образовательного процесса, с одной стороны, осложняет развитие данных компетенций, с другой – требует совершенствования принципов преподавания в контексте диалогов культур, что детерминирует формирование исследуемых навыков с учетом национально-культурной специфики изучаемого языка и коммуникации того вуза, где проходит обучение иностранный студент. Данные аспекты являются обязательным условием для успешного интегрирования в потенциальную профессиональную среду. Методология исследования: теоретический анализ научной литературы по рассматриваемому вопросу, контент-анализ, описательный и сравнительный методы. Новизна исследования обусловлена современными тенденциями совершенствования «мягких компетенций» представителей всех профессий в гармонии с мировым научным пространством через призму эффективной межкультурной коммуникации. Результаты исследования свидетельствуют о взаимной корреляции научно-аналитических и коммуникативных умений, синтез основных компонентов которых способствует формированию метакогнитивных характеристик студентов. Формирование исследуемых компетенций целесообразно осуществлять через ролевые игры, мемы, ситуационные задачи, коммуникативные профессионально-ориентированные тренинги, метод активного проблемно-ситуационного анализа («case-study»), который является практико-ориентированным методом организации учебного процесса и включает в себя использование навыков научного диспута, стимулирующий и мотивирующий процессы научно-аналитической и коммуникативной деятельности, а также метод лабораторно-практического контроля и самоконтроля (ситуационные задачи).
Litera, 2023-12
Tabatabai S., Bulgarova B.A. - The Power of Memes in Crisis: the potential for emotional contagion of memes during a crisis c. 259-280


Abstract: The subject of the research is the study of the influence of memes during crises. Internet memes as a communication tool and new media languages are able to create and spread emotions that can promote social cohesion, as well as increase social confidence, which is considered vital during crises. Given the importance of Internet memes as a powerful tool to strengthen social cohesion and trust in difficult times, it is important to give an idea of how memes and emotional contagion can be used in crisis communication. The aim of the study is to provide a more complete understanding of the role of Internet memes, especially during crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, in emotionally affected Iranian social media users. To achieve this goal, the study used a mixed-method approach, content analysis including COVID-19 memes on Iranian social networks and a quantitative survey using a questionnaire developed by the researchers. The statistical sample of the study consisted of 150 Iranian social media users who were randomly selected. The novelty of the research lies in the study of the function of memes in crisis communication and emotional contagion, especially in the context of Iran. The study expands the boundaries and offers new insights into how memes can be an effective tool to strengthen social cohesion and increase trust in difficult times. The focus of the study on the Iranian context also adds to its novelty, as it provides specific information that is not available in the existing literature. The study provides empirical support to politicians, especially Iranians, in tracking public opinion on critical topics, or in managing collective emotions via the Internet and stimulating and mobilizing public action by individuals. Memes can be used for crisis communication and public participation. The results of the study indicate the widespread use and recognition of memories in Iran during the COVID-19 pandemic, in terms of income tax information for expressing feelings and interest. Emotional contagion through memes is moderate and mostly mental, with respondents believing that memes are more effective, fast, and desirable than other types of messages and posts.
Litera, 2023-12
Bulgarova B.A., Tabatabai S. - Leveraging the power of internet memes for emotional contagion as effective strategy for environmental communication c. 281-305


Abstract: The article aims to address the research gap in the field of environmental communication by integrating the advances in emotional influence sciences to understand the mechanisms and pathways via social media by which emotions impact pro-environmental behavior. This research investigates how environmental communication can integrate research's results to design a more effective communication strategy that leads to environmental actions. Hence, the methodology of the article is an exploratory review of previous research on emotion in crisis and environmental communication, particularly on the role of social media and internet memes in promoting pro-environmental behavior through emotions and emotional influence. The findings are organized into three themes. First, we present the theory of emotional influence as a lens that can shed light on the underlying mechanisms in social media that awaken users' sentiments to modify or rectify their environmental behavior as well as entice their engagement in environmental preservation. Next, the main factors affecting emotional contagion in environmental communication are analyzed. Finally, we examine the empirical evidence of pro-environmental communication strategies that were successful under emotional contagion mechanisms. The article concludes that emotional influence by internet memes is a proper strategy, particularly for new generations, in crisis and environmental communication. This research contributes to science by highlighting the significant role of emotional influence and internet memes in environmental communication, emphasizing their potential to influence public attitudes and behaviors towards environmental issues, and providing a comprehensive understanding of how these factors can be leveraged to design effective communication strategies that lead to environmental actions, offering valuable insights for researchers and practitioners in the field of environmental communication and crisis management.
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