Ñòàòüÿ 'Strategies of indirect actions, “soft power” and technologies of ' - æóðíàë 'SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences' - NotaBene.ru
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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Ïðàâèëüíàÿ ññûëêà íà ñòàòüþ:

Karyakin V.V. Strategies of indirect actions, “soft power” and technologies of

Àííîòàöèÿ: The article is devoted to analysis of formatting of political spaces instrumentations by means of strategies of indirect actions and technologies of “operated chaos” for organization of "colored revolutions" in the post-Soviet space and in the Near East region. Characteristic feature of the beginning of the XXI century is a critical dependence of state institutes stability on application of information-network technologies for destruction of bases of statehood which allow to solve political problems in a mode of transformation of social-political system of the country without application of armed forces and destruction of its economic potential only by means of influences on a moral and psychological condition of its population. Methodological basis of the research constitute systematic, structural-functional, comparative historical, comparative political, geo-political, cultural and civilizational approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. The main feature of globalization is fast development and distribution of information technologies and social networks that become favorable environment for distribution of different information among the people and play an important role in initiation of protest movements in countries with severe economical and political problems

Êëþ÷åâûå ñëîâà:

colored revolution, soft force, state entities destruction, strategies, indirect actions, conflict, interests, state, USA, soft power

Abstract: The article is devoted to analysis of formatting of political spaces instrumentations by means of strategies of indirect actions and technologies of “operated chaos” for organization of "colored revolutions" in the post-Soviet space and in the Near East region. Characteristic feature of the beginning of the XXI century is a critical dependence of state institutes stability on application of information-network technologies for destruction of bases of statehood which allow to solve political problems in a mode of transformation of social-political system of the country without application of armed forces and destruction of its economic potential only by means of influences on a moral and psychological condition of its population. Methodological basis of the research constitute systematic, structural-functional, comparative historical, comparative political, geo-political, cultural and civilizational approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. The main feature of globalization is fast development and distribution of information technologies and social networks that become favorable environment for distribution of different information among the people and play an important role in initiation of protest movements in countries with severe economical and political problems


colored revolution, soft force, state entities destruction, strategies, indirect actions, conflict, interests, state, USA, soft power

Ýòà ñòàòüÿ ìîæåò áûòü áåñïëàòíî çàãðóæåíà â ôîðìàòå PDF äëÿ ÷òåíèÿ. Îáðàùàåì âàøå âíèìàíèå íà íåîáõîäèìîñòü ñîáëþäåíèÿ àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ, óêàçàíèÿ áèáëèîãðàôè÷åñêîé ññûëêè íà ñòàòüþ ïðè öèòèðîâàíèè.

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9. Mann S. R. Chaos Theory in Strategic Thought. “Parameters”. Vol. XXII. Autumn 1992. p. 54–68; Dzh. Sharp. Ot diktatury k demokratii. Kontseptual’nye osnovy osvobozhdeniya. “Institut im. A. Einshteina”. http://www.aeinstein.org/organizations/org/FDTD_Russian.pdf (dostup 12.12.2012); Dzh. Sharp. Rol” sily v nenasil’stvennoi bor’be. “Voprosy filosofii”, 1992, ¹ 8.
10. Migranyan A. M. Rossiya v poiskakh identichnosti. Moskva.1997. S. 40.
11. Mann S. Reaktsiya na khaos. http://www.intelros.ru/index.php?newsid=175 (dostup 10.01.2013).
12. Mann S. Teoriya khaosa i strategicheskoe myshlenie. http://geopolitica.ru/articles/890 (dostup 10.01.2013)
13. Manoilo A. V. Informatsionnoe protivoborstvo v usloviyakh psikhologicheskoi voiny. // Zakon i pravo. —2003. —¹ 12. — S. 31–34.
14. Manoilo A. V. Nesilovoe regulirovanie mezhdunarodnykh konfliktov. Kul’turnotsivilizatsionnye paradigmy. // Kosmopolis. —2008. —¹ 2. — S.168–174.
15. Manoilo A. V. Psikhologicheskie operatsii: modeli i tekhnologii upravleniya konfliktami. // Politeks (Politicheskaya ekspertiza). —2008. —¹ 3. — S. 62–73.
16. Manoilo A. V. Psikhologicheskie operatsii SShA v Irake. // Kosmopolis. —2008. —¹ 1. — S.124–128.
17. Manoilo A. V. Model” informatsionno-psikhologicheskoi operatsii v mezhdunarodnykh konfliktakh // Pravo i politika. —2008. —¹ 6. — S.1387–1394.
18. Manoilo A. V. Strategii “upravlyaemogo khaosa” v usloviyakh khaotizatsii mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii: mif ili real’nost’? // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2014. —¹ 1. — S.1–3. DOI: 10.7256/2306–4226.2014.1.10750. URL: http://e-notabene.ru/wi/article_10750.html
19. Manoilo A. V. Vooruzhennyi myatezh v Ukraine: volna tsvetnykh revolyutsii idet na Rossiyu // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2014. —¹ 3. — S.27–35. DOI: 10.7256/2306–4226.2014.3.11498. URL: http://e-notabene.ru/wi/article_11498.html
20. Bairektarevich A.. Multiculturalism is D (r) ead in Europe // Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2014. — 2. — C. 194–199. DOI: 10.7256/2305–560X.2014.2.11313.
21. Manoilo A. V. Models of Information and Psychological Operations Used in International Conflicts // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2013. — 3. — C. 18–39. DOI: 10.7256/2306–4226.2013.3.9091. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_9091.html
22. Koval’ska M.. The relevance of study of decision-making processes in Modern Russia. // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2014. — 1. — C. 18–20. DOI: 10.7256/2306–4226.2014.1.10720. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_10720.html
23. A. V. Manoylo Armed rebellion in Ukraine could be the last wake-up call to Russia // SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. — 2014. — 1. — C. 51–56. DOI: 10.7256/1339–3057.2014.1.11355.
24. Manoilo A. V. World Models and Technologies of Psychological Impact to Resolve International Conflicts // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2013. — 4. — C. 1–15. DOI: 10.7256/2306–4226.2013.4.9400. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_9400.html
25. Petrenko A. I. A number of peculiarities of information-psychological influence during carrying out operations of information-psychological warfare // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2013. — 4. — C. 47–60. DOI: 10.7256/2306–4226.2013.4.9417. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_9417.html
26. Grachev G. V. Sociology of Information-Psychological Security: the problem of formulating the definitions // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2013. — 4. — C. 61–85. DOI: 10.7256/2306–4226.2013.4.9416. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_9416.html
27. Udartsev S. F. Sosmic state: the forming and development of the idea in the history of thought // Pravo i politika. — 2014. — 4. — C. 548–561. DOI: 10.7256/1811–9018.2014.4.11415.
28. Abgarjan D.. Elaboration by ITLOS of the Law of the Sea Rules in different spheres of the Ocean Activity // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i mezhdunarodnye organizatsii / International Law and International Organizations. — 2014. — 1. — C. 96–106. DOI: 10.7256/2226–6305.2014.1.11622.
29. Bairektarevich A.. Europe of Sarajevo 100 years later: 9/11 or 11/9? (the EU of Genocide and Unification) // Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2014. — 3. — C. 483–495. DOI: 10.7256/2305–560X.2014.3.10747
1. L. E. Grinin. Arabskaya vesna i rekonfiguratsiya mir-sistemy. Sistemnyi monitoring global’nykh i regional’nykh riskov: arabskaya vesna 2011 goda. A. V. Korotaev, Yu.V. Zin’kina, A. S. Khodunov (red.). Moskva, 2012, S. 188–223.
2. G. B. Liddel. Strategiya nepryamykh deistvii. Per. s angl. Moskva, 2012, S. 476–478.
3. Dzh. Nai. Sovremennyi mirovoi besporyadok. “SShA: ekonomika, politika, ideologiya”. 1993, ¹ 2.
4. Shveitser P. Pobeda. Rol” tainoi strategii SShA v raspade Sovetskogo soyuza i sotsialisticheskogo lagerya. Minsk. 1995; Richard N. Haas. Think tanks and U. S. Foreign Policy. “A Policy — Maker’s Perspective” http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itps/1102/ijpe/pj73haass.htm (dostup 25.10.2012)
5. Tsymbal L. A. Sinergetika informatsionnykh protsessov. Moskva 1995.;
6. Davydov Yu.P. Ponyatie “zhestkoi” i “myagkoi” sily v teorii mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii. “Mezhdunarodnye protsessy”. Yanvar’-aprel”, 2004, T.2, ¹ 1 (4)
7. Shamin I. V. Kontseptual’nye osobennosti “strategii nepryamykh geopoliticheskikh deistvii” kak “nepryamoi tekhnologii” osushchestvleniya mezhgosudarstvennogo protivoborstva. “Nizhegorodskii zhurnal mezhdunarodnykh issledovanii”. Osen’-zima, 2010.
8. Shamin I. V. “Tsvetnaya (barkhatnaya) revolyutsiya” kak tekhnologiya osushchestvleniya geopoliticheskogo protivoborstva v usloviyakh postbipolyarnogo mira. “Materialy mezhregional’noi nauchnoi konferentsii”. N. Novgorod. 2008.
9. Mann S. R. Chaos Theory in Strategic Thought. “Parameters”. Vol. XXII. Autumn 1992. p. 54–68; Dzh. Sharp. Ot diktatury k demokratii. Kontseptual’nye osnovy osvobozhdeniya. “Institut im. A. Einshteina”. http://www.aeinstein.org/organizations/org/FDTD_Russian.pdf (dostup 12.12.2012); Dzh. Sharp. Rol” sily v nenasil’stvennoi bor’be. “Voprosy filosofii”, 1992, ¹ 8.
10. Migranyan A. M. Rossiya v poiskakh identichnosti. Moskva.1997. S. 40.
11. Mann S. Reaktsiya na khaos. http://www.intelros.ru/index.php?newsid=175 (dostup 10.01.2013).
12. Mann S. Teoriya khaosa i strategicheskoe myshlenie. http://geopolitica.ru/articles/890 (dostup 10.01.2013)
13. Manoilo A. V. Informatsionnoe protivoborstvo v usloviyakh psikhologicheskoi voiny. // Zakon i pravo. —2003. —¹ 12. — S. 31–34.
14. Manoilo A. V. Nesilovoe regulirovanie mezhdunarodnykh konfliktov. Kul’turnotsivilizatsionnye paradigmy. // Kosmopolis. —2008. —¹ 2. — S.168–174.
15. Manoilo A. V. Psikhologicheskie operatsii: modeli i tekhnologii upravleniya konfliktami. // Politeks (Politicheskaya ekspertiza). —2008. —¹ 3. — S. 62–73.
16. Manoilo A. V. Psikhologicheskie operatsii SShA v Irake. // Kosmopolis. —2008. —¹ 1. — S.124–128.
17. Manoilo A. V. Model” informatsionno-psikhologicheskoi operatsii v mezhdunarodnykh konfliktakh // Pravo i politika. —2008. —¹ 6. — S.1387–1394.
18. Manoilo A. V. Strategii “upravlyaemogo khaosa” v usloviyakh khaotizatsii mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii: mif ili real’nost’? // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2014. —¹ 1. — S.1–3. DOI: 10.7256/2306–4226.2014.1.10750. URL: http://e-notabene.ru/wi/article_10750.html
19. Manoilo A. V. Vooruzhennyi myatezh v Ukraine: volna tsvetnykh revolyutsii idet na Rossiyu // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2014. —¹ 3. — S.27–35. DOI: 10.7256/2306–4226.2014.3.11498. URL: http://e-notabene.ru/wi/article_11498.html
20. Bairektarevich A.. Multiculturalism is D (r) ead in Europe // Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2014. — 2. — C. 194–199. DOI: 10.7256/2305–560X.2014.2.11313.
21. Manoilo A. V. Models of Information and Psychological Operations Used in International Conflicts // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2013. — 3. — C. 18–39. DOI: 10.7256/2306–4226.2013.3.9091. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_9091.html
22. Koval’ska M.. The relevance of study of decision-making processes in Modern Russia. // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2014. — 1. — C. 18–20. DOI: 10.7256/2306–4226.2014.1.10720. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_10720.html
23. A. V. Manoylo Armed rebellion in Ukraine could be the last wake-up call to Russia // SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. — 2014. — 1. — C. 51–56. DOI: 10.7256/1339–3057.2014.1.11355.
24. Manoilo A. V. World Models and Technologies of Psychological Impact to Resolve International Conflicts // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2013. — 4. — C. 1–15. DOI: 10.7256/2306–4226.2013.4.9400. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_9400.html
25. Petrenko A. I. A number of peculiarities of information-psychological influence during carrying out operations of information-psychological warfare // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2013. — 4. — C. 47–60. DOI: 10.7256/2306–4226.2013.4.9417. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_9417.html
26. Grachev G. V. Sociology of Information-Psychological Security: the problem of formulating the definitions // NB: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2013. — 4. — C. 61–85. DOI: 10.7256/2306–4226.2013.4.9416. URL: http://www.e-notabene.ru/wi/article_9416.html
27. Udartsev S. F. Sosmic state: the forming and development of the idea in the history of thought // Pravo i politika. — 2014. — 4. — C. 548–561. DOI: 10.7256/1811–9018.2014.4.11415.
28. Abgarjan D.. Elaboration by ITLOS of the Law of the Sea Rules in different spheres of the Ocean Activity // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo i mezhdunarodnye organizatsii / International Law and International Organizations. — 2014. — 1. — C. 96–106. DOI: 10.7256/2226–6305.2014.1.11622.
29. Bairektarevich A.. Europe of Sarajevo 100 years later: 9/11 or 11/9? (the EU of Genocide and Unification) // Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. — 2014. — 3. — C. 483–495. DOI: 10.7256/2305–560X.2014.3.10747
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