Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law
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ГЛАВНАЯ > Журнал "Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law" > Содержание № 02, 2008
Выходные данные сетевого издания "Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law"
Номер подписан в печать: 1-6-2008
Учредитель: Даниленко Василий Иванович, w.danilenko@nbpublish.com
Издатель: ООО <НБ-Медиа>
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ISSN: 1991-3222
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Содержание № 02, 2008
Конституционная экономика
. - Сравнительно-правовой анализ государственного регулирования рынка ценных бумаг в России и за рубежом. c. 0-0
Аннотация: The article compares legal regulation of the market of securities and makes several proposals aimed on improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in this sphere.
. - Права миноритарных акционеров в России и Великобритании c. 0-0
Аннотация: The author studies an acute problem of protecting small investors whose rights are often infringed or ignored
. - Опыт регулирования бюджетных расходов в США. c. 0-0
Аннотация: The article describes the legal regulation of budget expenditures in the USA. The experience of this country with all its positive and negative achievements is of great interest to many countries of the world solving complicated problems of ensuring efficient and lawful expenditure of public funds
Публичное право
. - Конституционный Суд между Сициллой и Харибдой: место конституционного правосудия в системе разделения властей. c. 0-0
Аннотация: A well known scholar, Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation analyses the role and the problems facing of the Constitutional Court in the system of separated powers.
. - Очерк конституционного регулирования положения национальных меньшинств и коренных народов в зарубежных странах. c. 0-0
Аннотация: An article by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of one of the member states of the Russian Federation contains the comparative analysis of legislation on ethnical minorities which may be applied for improving the legislation of the Russian Federation.
. - Иммиграционное законодательство и миграционная политика Италии. c. 0-0
Аннотация: The author describes migration legislation of Italy which may be subjected to drastic changes in the nearest future.
. - Институт омбудсмена в странах СНГ. c. 0-0
Аннотация: The authors provide a comparative analysis of legislation on ombudsmen in the member states of CIS, tracing general and peculiar trends in legal regulation of this institution.
. - Разрешение споров в системе права Всемирной торговой организации. c. 0-0
Аннотация: The article analyses the public law regulation in the sphere of international trade relations, in particular within the global dimension of the World Trade Organization.
Частное право
. - Отчуждение недвижимости при застройке по законодательству Чехии. c. 0-0
Аннотация: The article focuses on acute issues of settling collisions between private and public interests in the sphere of construction business
. - Саморегулируемые организации и ассоциации в России и за рубежом c. 0-0
Аннотация: The article contains comparative analysis of legislation on self-regulating organizations, shows the present state of appropriate legislation in Russia and the prospects of its future development.
. - Вопросы правового регулирования прикомандирования иностранных работников и перспективы законодательного определения их статуса: опыт Швейцарии c. 0-0
Аннотация: The author analyses the issues of labor law which are not well developed. The author's conclusions may be used for improving Russian labor law in this sphere.
. - Советы директоров российских акционерных обществ: соответствуют ли они требованиям фондовых рынков США и ЕС? c. 0-0
Аннотация: The author studies the legal status of boards of directors of Russian share holding companies from the standpoint of their conformity to the requirements of stock exchange markets in two most attractive regions for Russian investments, the USA and the European Union.
Международное и европейское право
. - Лиссабонский договор и основные тенденции и перспективы развития европейского права. c. 0-0
Аннотация: A well known Russian scholar analyses the Lisbon Treaty, its advantages and negative implications, the main trends of future development of the European Union.
. - Перспективы европейского пространства свободы, безопасности и правосудия в свете Лиссабонского договора о реформе ЕС 2007 г. Лиссабонский договор 2007 г. (Извлечения) c. 0-0
Аннотация: The article by a scholar from Kazakhstan reveals the prospects of the development of the European space of freedom, security and justice as envisioned by the Lisbon Treaty of 2007
Обсуждаем проблему
. - Проблемы совершенствования международного частного права. c. 0-0
Аннотация: The authors show the prospects of future development of international private law in the modern globalized world.
Исследования молодых ученых
. - Зарубежный опыт правового регулирования экологического аудита. c. 0-0
Аннотация: The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law of the Russian Federation Government has conducted the third annual International School of Young Scholars and Specialists in the Field of Law (May, 29-31) which was devoted to an acute theme of efficiency of legislation and the use of modem juridical technologies. The school was attended by more than 400 participants representing 46 subjects of the Russian Federation and 25 countries of the world including Albania, Angola, .Armenia, .Azerbaijan, Benin, Belarus, Bulgaria, China. Cote d'lvoire, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia. Germany, Haiti, France, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Malawi, Panama, Russia, Turkey, Vietnam, Ukraine, USA and Uzbekistan. Following the tradition, the work of the School was opened by the Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, dr. S.Naryshkin. At the plenary session the main report devoted to "Modern Juridical Technologies in the Theory and Practice of Law Drafting and Law Application" was presented by T. Khabrieva, the member correspondent of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Director of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law of the Russian Federation Government. Presentations were also made by A.Fursenko, the Minister of education and science of the Russian Federation, G.Karasyn, deputy Minister of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation, A.Konovalov, Minister of justice of the Russian Federation, V.Vasiliev, Chairman of the standing committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, B.Ebzeev, Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, O.Sviri-denko, Chairman of the Arbitration Court of Moscow. After the plenary session the School continued its work in the sections of constitutional and administrative law; civil law; criminal and criminal procedure law. Then there were four seminars devoted to harmonization of national legislations; to problems of drafting concepts of draft laws; to methodology of law application; to the role of Internet in the field of law. Finally the school continued its work in three training courses on anti-corruption expertise; on rales of juridical techniques, on organization of legal monitoring.
. - Основные этапы развития трудового права ЕС. c. 0-0
. - Основные признаки понятий «организованная группа» и «преступное сообщество» по уголовному законодательству государств – участников СНГ (сравнительно-правовой анализ) c. 0-0
. - Торговые преференции и международные трудовые стандарты: опыт европейского союза и США. c. 0-0
Международные конференции ИЗиСП
. - Третья Международная школа-практикум молодых ученых и специалистов по юриспруденции «Эффективность законодательства и современные юридические технологии» c. 0-0
Аннотация: The material contains the translation into Russian of principal provisions of the Lisbon treaty which are still not well familiar to Russian readers.
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