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ГЛАВНАЯ > Журнал "LEX RUSSICA (РУССКИЙ ЗАКОН)" > Содержание № 02, 2010
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Номер подписан в печать: 1-4-2010
Учредитель: Даниленко Василий Иванович, w.danilenko@nbpublish.com
Издатель: ООО <НБ-Медиа>
Главный редактор: Петров-Гималайцев Петр Артемьевич, доктор культурологии, asmorkalov@mail.ru
ISSN: 1729-5920
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Содержание № 02, 2010
- Международная научно-практическая конференция «Государство и право: вызовы XXI века» («Кутафинские чтения») c. 235-237
Аннотация: The issue contains the principal materials and general reviews of the conference held in Moscow State Law Academy on December 9, 2009, in honour of the late professor and head of the Academy O.E. Kutafin.
Фадеев В.И. - О жизненном пути и научном наследии академика О.Е. Кутафина c. 238-249
Аннотация: Russian parliament has a very interesting history of formation and development, that can be divided into three stages. Consideration of these stages is very important for comprehension of representation traditions in Russian state. In the period of history between 1906–1917 all activity of the State Duma was predetermined by monarch, State Duma deputies had no legislative experience. Soviet representative system can be described as a combination of supervision and legislative activity. This period can be named parliamentary only nominally. De facto single mechanism of state-party administration was the only party of decision-making process. The qualitatively new stage of development of parliamentarism in the country has begun with the approval of the Russian Constitution of 1993. Formation principles, structure, the competence of the Federal Assembly were assumed as a basis of democratic parliamentarism, though it has some tangible disadvantages, and the main are a limited number of mechanisms of control of executive power and a faulty formation procedure of the Federation Council. Its formation principles, that has been changed three times for the last ten years, hardly could be ranked both as a level of an independent chamber and an effective representation of federal subjects.
Хабриева Т.Я. - Миграционное право в условиях мирового финансово- экономического кризиса c. 250-259
Аннотация: The author describes the models and principles of forming of society’s councils in Russian regions and divides its in associative, electoral, statesocietical and mixed moidels.
Бондарь Н.С. - Конституционное право как фундаментальная ценность демократического правового государства (по мотивам научного наследия академика О.Е. Кутафина) c. 260-295
Аннотация: The article describes Military Forces of the Russian Federation that are based on military communities. Military Forces concentrate persons of the most active criminal age who commit crimes more often than women in 6–8 times. Some anticriminal factors in conditions of poor functioning system of military community easily become the reasons of tension and conflicts. For example, strict life and household arrangement, hard charter control may be the reasons of delinquencies and crimes committed by military men. Military communities are classified into the following groups: 1) communities of military men of military service for a regular term; 2) communities of military men of common soldiers and non-commissioned, seeing duty under the contract; 3) community consisting of officers and warrant officers; 4) a specific community of chief officers. Facing social interpersonal conflicts and not possessing enough experience to solve them military men naturally choose illegal violent behavior as an example of ethic and morality. Social attitudes oriented at the theses “the strongest is always right” and “success is never blamed” often push military men to use of force on any occasion.
Голиченков А.К. - Юридическое образование в России: вызовы ХХI века c. 296-310
Баренбойм П.Д. - Кутафин. Воспоминания ученика c. 311-319
- Информация о работе секции конституционного и муниципального права c. 320-324
- Информация о работе секции гражданского права c. 325-330
- Информация о работе секции уголовно-процессуального права c. 331-336
- Информация о работе секции информационного права c. 337-340
Варлен М.В. - Генезис конституционно- правового статуса парламентария c. 341-350
Гриб В.В. - Модели и принципы формирования Общественных палат в субъектах Российской Федерации c. 351-356
Задоян А.А. - Предупреждение правонарушений и преступлений в воинских коллективах c. 357-367
Жмурова Т.В., Зайцева Л.А. - Информационно- аналитический обзор диссертаций, защищенных в 2009 году в диссертационных советах при Московской государственной юридической академии имени О.Е. Кутафина c. 368-402
Мацкевич И.М., Зарипов З.С. - Наркотики в России и в мире. Г.В. Дашков c. 403-407
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